New Puppy Checklist


Congratulations on your new family member!

Welcoming a puppy into your family is exciting and while it would be remiss to compare raising a puppy to raising a child, there are definite parallels: It requires work, a lot of patience, and time and it will cost money. And just like raising a child, you’ll be rewarded immensely with love and affection.

Puppy parenting, like regular parenting, can be overwhelming. There’s a lot for both of you to learn, and your own efforts should start before you bring your precious pooch home.

Have a look at our new puppy checklist to get you started. From normal supplies to essentials like pet insurance.



1. Make sure you’re ready for what a big responsibility a puppy is!

A puppy is basically a full-time job, especially in the first few months. Be sure you can give a puppy the care and attention they need before deciding on getting a puppy.

New puppies need to be fed three to four times a day and walked or taken outside immediately afterward – and even then, they’ll inevitably have some accidents indoors that you’ll have to clean up. Puppies will also likely wake you up during the night to relieve themselves. Puppies also require socialization and exercise, which can be time-consuming but has to happen despite you having to work, take care of your family, etc.

It is a rewarding task to watch your puppy learn and grow but if this sounds like it would be a bit more than you can handle, do not feel bad, that is absolutely okay. There are numerous adult dogs in need of homes who would love you unconditionally and require less effort to settle in a new home.


2. Find the right puppy for you

Some breeds may be better fits for you than others and carefully consider what kind of puppy fits you and your family, your lifestyle, and your future plans. All puppies are cute but they will grow into an adult dog with their own needs.

Some things you should consider before deciding on a puppy:

  • Size: where do you live now, how big is your home, do you plan on moving in the near future to a different size home

  • Activity level: If you’re active, you want a puppy that can keep up with you and vice versa. If you’re looking for a dog to accompany you on the couch, be sure the puppy you take home prefers cuddling to cross-country runs.

  • Fur or hair type: If getting dog hair on your clothes, furniture, carpets, and car upholstery is an issue consider a puppy that doesn’t shed much. Keep in mind that a low-shedding dog will likely require regular grooming, which can be time-consuming and expensive. Inform yourself about the breed and ask around, dogs can shed a lot!

  • Allergies: If you or anyone in your home is allergic to animals and dogs in particular, choose a puppy that’s hypoallergenic.

  • Kids under 10: Some breeds are better suited for children than others. Learn about the best practice to introduce children and make sure your children know how to interact with dogs

  • Volume: How much barking can you tolerate? How loud? Some breeds will be significantly more vocal than others, and it’s up to you whether that’s cute, or will drive you crazy.

  • Other pets: Whether you have a cat at home or plan on getting another dog someday, be sure your puppy will be able to acclimate and get along with them.

  • Purebred vs. mixed breed: Your local shelter will be bursting to its seams with puppies and adult dogs, many of which will be mixed breeds. Mixed breed puppies are unique, adorable, and may be less prone to certain health problems than their purebred peers. If you truly want a purebred puppy, do your due diligence in researching breeders to avoid puppy mills.


3. Puppy-proof your home

Before taking your new puppy home, be sure that your home is safe and accommodating for your new family member. 0Similar to child- and baby-proofing a home you’ll want to prepare for the little paws too.

  • You may have to rearrange some of your furniture and decor to give ample room for indoor zooming! Your puppy will need space to play, so make sure to keep anything fragile somewhere they can’t knock it over.

  • Until your puppy is adept at dashing up and down stairs, using a gate can keep them safe from dangerous tumbles.

  • If you have a yard, be sure it’s fenced. If you have an in-ground swimming pool, fence it or otherwise obstruct it from your puppy’s reach. If you have an above-ground pool, be sure they can’t get to the ladder or steps. Make sure your puppy can’t access plants that can be toxic to them that you have inside your house or the garden.

  • Keep laundry out of your puppy’s reach – especially dryer sheets, which are toxic to dogs.

  • Hide shoes, socks, and any other small items that may be within your puppy’s reach and mistaken for a chew toy.

  • Put electrical cords and wires out of their reach or sight.

  • Invest in trash cans with snapping lids (or place them in a hidden cabinet).

  • If your puppy sheds, be sure to snag lint rollers, a vacuum, dust mops and/or a rubber broom to clean up loose fur.

  • Lock cabinets containing food, medicines, and chemicals.

Not sure how to tell if your puppy can reach something? Get on all fours for a minute to get the dog’s-eye view.



4. Stock up on puppy supplies

Your new puppy will need some gear and you should have this ready before your puppy arrives home. Start with the basics for now, and depending on your puppy’s temperament and character you can get extras later:

  • Puppy food

  • Stainless steel, dishwasher-safe water bowls, and food bowls

  • Puppy treats, including training treats

  • Adjustable collar (since your pup will grow quickly!)

  • ID tags with contact info like a phone number (look up the legal requirements for your area)

  • Basic lead and Long lead for training

  • Potty training pads and Poop bags

  • Enzyme cleaner for accidents

  • Grooming supplies suited for your puppies fur type (high-quality brush/comb, nail clippers, and puppy shampoo)

  • Dog bed and dog crate with ample room to grow

  • Training clicker

  • Puppy toys (one each of squeak, plush, puzzle and chew toys, plus the old classic – a ball!)


5. Invest in pet insurance

From catastrophic accidents to common illnesses, you can expect to spend about 15.000 euros on veterinary care over the course of a dog’s life. Add a serious emergency into the mix and it could cost significantly more!

If your puppy gets sick or hurt, pet insurance can help cover a large majority of the vet bills for the treatments. Because you should never have to choose between providing the best care for your pet and keeping your finances in check.

Most pet insurance providers only accept new pets up to a certain age and will exclude ‘pre-existing conditions so the sooner you get insurance, the less likely it is that you’ll run into problems with coverage later on.

Don't put it off but sign up for it if offered by your trusted veterinarian early on.



6. Set boundaries.

Before bringing your new puppy home, decide whether they will be allowed on the furniture and in certain rooms of your home. Also decide where they’ll sleep: in the crate? On a bed? Cuddled up next to you?

You can change your mind later, but know that it’s much easier to reinforce expectations and rules like these early on than it is to change a behavior later!



7. Find a veterinarian

Finding a veterinarian to treat your puppy is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make for your pet. If you’ve never had a pet before, you may not know where to bring your new puppy. You can ask your rescue shelter or breeder for recommendations, consult friends in your neighborhood, check Google reviews, or seek advice from local Facebook groups to find the right doctor for your dog. Aside from bedside manner, some factors to consider when choosing a vet are budget (some are pricier than others) and location (especially if you don’t drive).

Before deciding on a veterinarian ask about their emergency procedures, visit the practice and get a feel for it. Do you find the staff friendly? Is the place clean and well organized? Have a look at their facilities, too – if you’ve stumbled across a branch practice, they may not have surgical facilities or X-rays, and will send you to a main office for these. This might not put you off, but checking you can access this higher level of care easily is important, too.



8. License and microchip your pet

If your puppy ever gets loose or lost a microchip will make it much more likely that you’re reunited with your canine companion. It is also a legal requirement in most countries. Once your puppy is microchipped make sure you register the Microchip Number with your details and obtain a dog license.


9. Have your first visit with your vet

Once you’ve found a great vet, it’s time to book your first appointment and get your puppy's overall health checked, and get vaccinated.

Here is what to remember on your first veterinary visit:

  • Bring all your paperwork from any prior veterinary visits your puppy may have had. You may need to acquire these from your puppy’s rescue, shelter, or breeder, depending on where you got them.

  • Let your vet know what food you’re feeding your puppy, as well as what treats and any and all supplements you may be giving them.

There are also other procedures for your puppy depending on previous procedures. Depending on your pup’s worming regime up to now, they may also need worming. Puppies should generally be wormed every two weeks until they are 12 weeks old. Flea and tick prevention may also be necessary, depending on your area and the time of year.

For the First Vet Visit your Vet will most likely check the following:

  • Body condition (joints, muscles, and body weight)

  • Movement of the pup

  • Auscultate the lungs and the heart for any birth defects

  • Skin and the hair for external parasites such as ticks, fleas, and lice

  • Ear canals and eyes

  • Visibility and hearing tests

  • Lymph nodes to see if there is any sign of infection



10. House training your puppy

Here comes your first real challenge after getting a puppy! House training a puppy isn’t easy or a quick task.

  • If you are considering getting a new puppy, having an older, well-behaved dog around can help a younger dog understand the rules of the household. Because dogs are packed animals, the older dog will naturally take the role of the pack leader, and the younger dog will mimic their behavior.

  • Puppies eat four to five times a day. 10 minutes after their meal they usually have to go potty. That is when you have to take your puppy out and show them where they are allowed to do their business. Be consistent and do not skip any part of house training.

  • Keep in mind that your puppy should not interact with dogs outside of your own household before they are fully vaccinated. Walking will promote intestinal mobility and they will most likely poop. Make sure to have the same walking schedule every day.


11. Prepare yourself for teething

Teething puppies will chew on pretty much everything they can get to so keep items like shoes and anything else that may normally be within their reach away and out of sight. Not only will your things end up with bitemarks and holes, but your puppy could also ingest some not-so-savory stuff, resulting in choking and/or intestinal blockages that could require expensive surgery.

Try dog-specific teething toys and treats to provide some comfort.



12. Begin puppy school

Whether you work with a trainer, take your puppy to puppy school, or train your puppy yourself at home, it’s a good idea for them to socialize with other puppies and begin to learn bite inhibition and basic commands.

The age to begin training can vary depending on the breed of your puppy but they should be started young, preferably as soon as they come into your new home, but a good list of basic commands to teach your puppy include sit, stay, come, down, and heel. These will help teach your puppy impulse control as well as make them easier to walk, feed, and live with in general. If you’re working with a trainer, get recommendations from friends and family (or just check Yelp!). Do the same with puppy schools, but be sure they have all of their vaccines and boosters first if your puppy will be around other dogs. If taking a DIY approach to puppy training, positive reinforcement, patience, and treats will be your best friend!



13. Give your puppy its own space

Crate training is invaluable, especially if your puppy will have to be alone at home at some point. Start crate training as early as possible but take it slow. During the process of introducing your puppy to a crate, use treats to keep it motivated. Once it becomes comfortable being in the crate, you can extend the length of time it is on there.

Recommended crate times (these are guidelines only!)

  • 10 weeks: 30–60 minutes

  • 11–14 weeks: 1–3 hours

  • 15–16 weeks: 3–4 hours

  • 17+ weeks: 4–5 hours

At the age of 17+ weeks, your puppy can be kept in a crate for longer periods. Being crated should never be a permanent solution.



14. Continue socializing your puppy

Once your puppy is fully vaccinated and has some basic training it is time for socialization. Socializing your puppy is crucial to their development – and socializing a puppy is much easier than socializing an adult dog, so don’t skip out on this. Not only is it nice for dogs to make canine companions, it also helps test out their newly acquired bite inhibition. Some ways to introduce your puppy to playmates include:

  • Changing up walking routes to meet new dogs

  • Taking them to doggy daycare

  • Setting up specific playdates with friends who have pets

  • Taking them to dog runs and parks

It’s also important to socialize your puppy with people and as many different surroundings, noises, scents, etc as possible. Let them get to know some dog-loving friends and family members first. If possible, keep your circle diverse so your puppy gets comfortable with people of all different shapes, sizes, and ages. Keep treats handy so your puppy will make positive associations with their new pals.



15. Show some puppy love.

Your puppy will need time to acclimate to their new home, so be patient, affectionate, and compassionate if things aren’t easy at first, especially with a rescue puppy.

Familiarize yourself with the 333 Guidelines to set your new puppy up for success

Manage your expectations: Your puppy will become your best friend and a full-fledged member of your family, but it probably won’t happen overnight. as not all dogs came from a good home the first time around and they need time to learn that you are going to be their furever home.