Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get in touch with you?

You can email us at or WhatsApp us as 0830270668

What are your opening hours?

We are open 7 days a week, 355 days a year. Drop off and Pick up hours are from 7am - 9 am and 4pm - 6pm.

Where will my dog sleep at night or during rest times?

We have multiple rooms in our home set up, each equipped with individual kennels and cozy blankets for every dog to enjoy

What are the requirements to be able to Board?

To join group play, all dogs must be at least 4 months old and have passed a temperament test. They also need to be current on the following vaccinations: Distemper Combo and Bordetella (Kennel Cough).

We also require that your dog is up-to-date on flea/tick and heartworm preventatives. During intake, every dog is checked, and any dog found with bugs or parasites will be treated at the owner's expense.

To ensure a safe and harmonious playgroup, all dogs must pass a temperament screening and attend at least one day of daycare. Please schedule accordingly before your dog's first day.

Does my dog have to be neutered/spayed?

A very good but a bit complex question!

We do accept unfixed male dogs, provided they pass our temperament screening, show no aggression towards other males, and are not sexually dominant during play. We do not allow excessive humping or marking; your dog must be able to disengage easily and redirect.

We do not keep females while in heat. Unfixed females over the age of sexual maturity are not allowed to join playgroups with unfixed males to avoid the potential of silent heat couplings.

If your unfixed female comes into heat while with us, a 20 Euro/day charge will be added to your bill if you can not arrange for the pick up of your dog. This additional fee covers additional daily cleaning and sanitizing of kennels and bedding, as well as the increased care required for a dog in heat. They will be under strict 1:1 supervision while outside their kennel.

How do I know my dog can't escape?

We have 5’-6’ fencing combo as well as multiple gates. We also do daily perimeter checks.

What happens if my dog gets sick while in your care?

We will keep you updated if your dog becomes sick or injured. We will coordinate with you if we feel it is in their best interest to be seen by a vet and will take them to our trusted vet for professional help.

My dog requires medication

We are happy to administer oral or topical medications to your dog. Your dog’s health and safety are our top priority so medications should be clearly labeled with the dosage, when and how often it should be given, and what it is for.

What if my dog gets sick right before the booked stay with you?

If your dog is sick with any communicable disease or parasites they cannot come stay with us for the safety and well being of the other campers . Please email us if you have any questions.

What happens if I don't leave enough food?

Don't worry, your dog won't starve. We will do our best to source your dogs normal food to avoid upset stomachs (extra cost for the food must be covered by you). If we can not source your dogs regular food we will do our best to find a suitable alternative. 

How soon should I book for my dog?

We advise you to book as far out as possible as we have limited capacity for boarding. Weekends and holidays fill fast so the sooner you reserve a spot the more likely we are to accomodate.

What is your cancellation policy?

We understand plans change! We try and accommodate schedule changes by offering free cancellations if given more than 72 hours notice before booking. Less than 72 hours notice we require a fee of 20% of the total booking cost adjustment.

No-shows are subject to 100% charge of total.

Last minute cancellations for bookings on holiday dates (less than 48 hours notice) are subject to 75% of the total booking cost. If we are able to fill your last minute vacancy we will waive the fee!

Will you keep me updated on how my dog is doing?

We post pictures and video regularly on Facebook and Instagram, Your dog will also have a dedicated "Scrapbook" Page where we leave notes, updates and more pictures every few days for you to review. 

My dog doesn't do well in groups or with specific other dogs

We understand the challenges of having a reactive or dog-selective dog, after all this is our niche when it comes to training.

Given our commitment to providing a safe and enjoyable environment, we require all dogs to pass a temperament test before joining our playgroup. This ensures that our limited space is reserved for dogs that are comfortable and confident in social settings, giving our clients peace of mind that their dogs are playing with balanced and friendly companions.

If your dog does not pass the temperament test or needs to be on their own, we can still work with you to find a suitable solution. However, all dogs must be able to be handled by us, as we do not accept No-Contact Boardings at this time.