The Importance of Protecting Dogs from Heat -

Walking During Cooler Hours

As summer approaches and temperatures rise, it is essential to prioritize the well-being of our canine companions. Dogs, like humans, are susceptible to the effects of heat, and walking them during the warmest hours of the day can pose serious risks to their health and safety. For dogs, a small rise in temperature by only a few degrees poses a serious health risk. 

Unfortunately each summer numerous dog owners take their dogs out for a walk during the warmest hours of the day. While we humans want to be out and soak up the sun it is not a good idea to bring your dog with you. 

Dogs are more sensitive to heat than humans due to their limited ability to regulate body temperature efficiently. They primarily rely on panting and a small number of sweat glands in their paws to cool down. As a result, dogs are more prone to heatstroke, dehydration, and paw pad burns when exposed to high temperatures. This applies to all dog breeds!

It is crucial for you, the dog owner, to be aware of the signs of heat stress in their furry companions. These signs may include excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, weakness, rapid heartbeat, vomiting, and collapse. If left untreated, heat stress can progress to heatstroke, a life-threatening condition that requires immediate veterinary attention.

Walking your dog during the hottest hours of the day can be detrimental to their health. The pavement and asphalt can become scorching hot, leading to painful burns on the sensitive paw pads. Additionally, the combination of exercise and high temperatures can quickly cause dogs to overheat, putting them at risk of heatstroke, dehydration, and organ damage. To protect your dog from the adverse effects of heat, it is essential to adjust your walking routines and opt for cooler hours of the day. Early mornings or late evenings tend to offer cooler temperatures, reducing the risk of heat-related issues. By avoiding peak heat hours, dogs can enjoy their walks comfortably and safely.

Hydration is crucial for dogs during hot weather. Always carry a water bottle and a portable bowl to provide your dog with regular water breaks during walks. Avoid letting them drink from potentially contaminated sources, such as puddles or standing water, as it may contain harmful bacteria or toxins.

 If the temperatures are excessively high or walking during cooler hours is not feasible, consider engaging in alternative activities to keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated. Indoor games, puzzle toys, and obedience training can provide mental exercise, while swimming or playing with a sprinkler in a shaded area can offer a refreshing physical activity.



Our dogs rely on us to ensure their well-being, especially when it comes to protecting them from the dangers of heat. Walking dogs during the hottest hours of the day can cause suffering and put their health at risk. By understanding their sensitivity to heat, recognizing the signs of heat stress, and choosing cooler times for walks, we can keep our beloved companions safe, comfortable, and happy during the warmer months. Let us prioritize their needs and make responsible decisions to ensure their overall health and quality of life.